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Quiz winner Robert and Annemarie enmjoy Tipperary Town Memories book 1000 wide

Recently, The Tipperary Town Facebook Page conducted a quiz based on local knowledge of the town. The results have just become known.


Drafted by Quizmaster, Martin Nugent, the questions explored quite a bit of local history and knowledge. Martin is author of the polular book Tipperary Town Memories. Martin also administers the Tipperary Town Memories FaceBook page, where he publishes many excellent stories about Tipperary Town in bygone days.


A Very Popular Quiz

Interest in the quiz was very strong, with 434 people attempting it. Martin Nugent offered a copy of his book to three people who would score 100% in the quiz. However, only one person - Robert Costigan scored 100%. A copy of Martin's book was presented to Robert at the French Quarter Cafe by Annemarie Ryan, who also presented Robert with a voucher for afternoon tea for two people.


Annemarie presents prize to quiz winner Robert 1000 wide

French Quarter Cafe's Annemarie Ryan presenting a book and voucher to the Tipperary Town Quiz winner, Robert Costigan

Strong International Interest

Participants in the quiz came from 11 different countries, including Ireland, the UK, the United States, Australia, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Norway, Thailand, Canada and South Africa. Given the very local nature of the knowledge needed to take part in the quiz, is can probably be assumed that the overseas participants may be originally from the town or area, or have visited it in the past.


Difficult Questions

Don't be too disappointed if you took part but did not do so well.  The average score was only 35%. For the next quiz, Martin promises to make the questions a bit easier! Quiz insights



Many thanks to Martin Nugent for crafting our quiz questions; to Annemarie Ryan for presenting the prize and for adding a voucher for the French Quarter Cafe and, finally, to our first Quiz winner - Robert Costigan.

Some copies of Martin Nugent's book can be purchased at the French Quarter Cafe. The book can also be purchased online HERE.

Tipperary Town Memories books 1000 wide


Please look out for the next (easier) quiz, which will be published shortly.